Artists in Residence
The philosophy behind the Hideaway
Discovering that I, as a composer, could help the engineer in his challenges, and that the set designer could help me construct my music, was a change of direction in life.
It is only through interdisciplinary encounters that society moves towards the richest inspiration for innovation. The architecture of The Arctic Hideaway is shaped by this principle. We want creative people to meet. That meeting place is here.
Come to focus on your project but know that a residency here is as much about meetings; with nature, with people and with your own subconscious.
Come for the transforming experiences!
Come for a week, come for a month. We’ve seen how longer stays allow for a widening of self-understanding and a deep reset of the senses. When you come for a long stay you do more than just support sustainable travel, you leave as a different sort of human. One who has made a friend of time.

…it’s been a while and still I think back to our stay in the Arctic Hideaway almost everyday since.It was not just a super inspiring creative experience to me but also a time of calmness clarity and concentration. Which I bearly find at home….I started writing again, it’s so relieving somehow…
Theresa & Theresa

Time & Space
The Arctic Hideaway hosts artists year round. Most stay two weeks or more to truly settle into their process. You will have a private sleeping cabin with working space/wifi and access to the communal studio and njalla, as well as the kitchen house and sauna area.
It’s up to you how much time you spend in focused work. The architecture of the place invites you to move between solitude and social, you are the leader of your own process here.
We are a lighthouse in the landscape of travel. This is a place where isolation meets forward thinking and the conversations taking place in this experimental village are as much about guiding cultural lines as they are about your individual process. We have created a beacon for sustainability but much more than that, a space away from distractions where you are thrown into a eco-economy as an equal to the elements. Come without expectations of what you will create during your stay and instead look at what nature reflects back at you.

Residency Opportunities
This is the place for you whatever form your project takes. Come to reset your senses.
We host artists year round for self-funded residencies—contact us with your chosen period and project needs. We also run our own programme of funded residencies annually, alongside discipline specific projects in partnership with funding organisations. Keep an eye on our Instagram page where we will post call-outs for applications.
The possibility also exists to create your own residency: bring colleagues, bring collaborators and explore how immersion in this seascape influences the group. We offer group or buy-out packages that make space for creative experiments, whether you need one day or one week. This could be the space you need to finalise a grant bid or plan your next tour…

Architecture for Art
The architecture of the Arctic Hideaway is a respectful approach to both human and nature. It divides the separate functions of one building into many so you experience the elements as you pass from one room to another.
The natural environment is part of the architecture here. Step into daylight at midnight to understand versions of light and do not think that you can hide from a February storm indoors. At some point you will be compelled to move cabins and then, the real experience of the place begins.
Come into this space no matter what your ‘art’ – surprise us. We want new voices to join the narrative.
Get in touch to share your residency vision:
Booking request
Complete the form below or email us at